cannot be expressed in words 意味
- <→CAN'T be expressed in words>
- cannot cannot 切れ無い 切れない きれない 兼ねる かねる
- expressed {名} : 圧搾扁桃油{あっさく へんとうゆ}
- words words 口舌 くぜつ こうぜつ 語句 ごく 科白 台詞 かはく せりふ 申し様 もうしよう 台辞 だいじ
- in words 口に出して
- (mathematical) problem expressed in words (mathematical) problem expressed in words 文章題 ぶんしょうだい
- can't be expressed in words 言葉{ことば}に表せない
- cannot be explained by words
- cannot find the right words
- words cannot describe 筆舌に尽くし難い
- cannot put one's joy into words
- cannot think of the proper words to say
- expressed {名} : 圧搾扁桃油{あっさく へんとうゆ}
- cannot find any words of consolation for the families of the victims
- cannot find words to express one's anger
- cannot cannot 切れ無い 切れない きれない 兼ねる かねる